Saturday, December 22, 2007

How very un-PC of me.

In this day and age, there is a lot of pressure placed on not offending people. I totally understand this, it comes from the spirit of acceptance and understanding of other people's feelings and cultures. However, is it just me, or is this taken too far? Instead of accepting and understanding, there is a feeling of intolerance, hostility, and misunderstanding. If I tell someone "Merry Christmas" and they get upset because they don't celebrate or believe in Christmas, isn't that going against acceptance? Why can't I wish someone a Merry Christmas, and they can wish me a Happy Hanukkah, or a Happy Winter Solstice, or a Happy Holiday, or a Happy Saturday?

I suppose it isn't that big of a deal, but it is frustrating to find myself at work, and unable to talk about Christmas shopping with customers unless they bring it up. And granted, this isn't a policy that has been implemented at my job (as far as I know), but it comes from my own experiences with ticking people off during the holidays.

Oh well. My rant is over...wait, no it's not!


Ok. Now it's over.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ah, sweet boredom!

Here's a youtube video that my friend David made before I knew him. It is a work of cinematic genius! The song is Creep by Radiohead.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Musical Artist of the week

Michael Kaeshammer is the best jazz pianist I have ever had the pleasure of listening to (live and on CD). He is extraordinarily talented, and a nice guy to boot. His music is awesome, and I love it. He came out with a new album this year, and it is on my Christmas list.

Here's a song from his new album Days Like These, "Cinnamon Sun"

Michael Kaeshammer

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My 100th Post! (for real this time)

So, I have decided that I don't like apartment hunting. It sucks a lot, actually. I don't really know why, but I think it's the perils of choosing a place to live, being scared that it won't work out or that you'll hate it or whatever. But, I have triumphed! My friend Sarah and I found one that we want to move into, ans are going to fill out the paperwork. It is terribly exciting...or not.

On another note, this is my actual 100th post! Yay! (The other one was written to see if you would catch it...a shockingly few amount of people did - tisk tisk.) So, now that I've written a butt-load of entries, what am I going to do? Get a life, hopefully. But, until then, let's celebrate!

Ok, moving on. It is Christmas break (oh, sorry, I mean "winter break") and I am sitting in my bed, checking things online, and learning to play cribbage (I totally suck at it, by the way). This has been my last three days and it feels wonderful!! I have totally bonded with my bed (I'm sure that sleeping for 12 hours a day has totally helped) and I'm very content to sleep away my whole break!

But, alas, it is not meant to be. I really need to go back to work and deal with annoying, holiday-crazed weirdos. Whoot for that! Now I just have to wait for work to call me!

And that's all for my 100th post. I hope you all have a great Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Quotations!!

Yay!! My dad has a Christmas tradition as old as time, he sends us all a Christmas quotation a day. This year, he is doing it a bit differently, he's posting it to a blog! So now he can annoy all of us on the internet all the time, not only with quotes, but comics, songs, pictures and, of course, his own commentary. Very worthwhile, I know you'll love it!!

Christmas Quotations

Christmas is the one time of year when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ.

Bart Simpson

Just some things I found...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Website of the week


A really cool site. I encourage you to look at random found objects on the site.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My 100th post!

So, this is my 100th post, and I am going to commemorate it with something a little special...

...oh wait. No I'm not.

UGH. One week until finals.

And this is all my brain can handle.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


And, if you keep up with Ray's blog, you'll see that there is another GROW thing up. I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm very close!

GROW Island

Rice is Nice

So, I guess I have to admit that I do not posses the world's best vocabulary. That's no surprise to anyone who knows me. However, now I can use that to the advantage of hungry people all over the world! On, they donate 10 grains of rice for every vocabulary question that you answer correctly. So, you get to solve world hunger and sound smarter, too! Yay! Win win win!

Free Rice

Feel free to let me know via comments what your vocabulary score is! I'd love to know!

Robot Guitar?? Drooooool...

Yes, it has happened, Gibson has created a Robot guitar. No, it's not a ROBOT that plays guitar, but a guitar that has robotic technology to enhance it. It is self-tuning guitar. I am going to do a very crappy job explaining what it can do, but basically, you turn on the tuning device, strum the guitar twice, and off you go! Different tunings don't even phase it. It has to ability to tune to pretty much any other tuning you want it to, and it's really easy to do.

I really can't do this guitar justice, you just have to go to the website, read the stories, watch the instructional video, and check out all of the awesome features!

Anyone have a few thousand dollars to give me so I can buy one?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A little laugh for you

(It's about Elizabeth Barret and Robert Browning. Well, based on their lives...)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Amazing? Yea... Magical? Pretty much...

So, I had my conducting debut last Friday, and it was wonderful! I want to be a high school band teacher, and last week was something I really needed. Yes, it really freaked me out to be in front of a band, all expecting me to lead them, and with an audience sitting behind me, wanting me to do well. But, to be completely honest, once I got up on the podium, it was easy to completely tune out the audience and get immersed in the music. I was so nervous the entire week before; disaster scenarios running through my head, and I was shaking really badly right before I walked on stage.

However, let me tell you...conducting is magical. It is the best feeling in the world. There is nothing else in the room but the music, and the general area that a cue should be. There is no audience, no other distractions...just a bunch of nicely dressed musicians in front of you.

Yeah, great night! Go me!

(this is not the way you should conduct
...just FYI)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well, well, well

So, it's Halloween today. To be totally honest I have never really been a fan of Halloween. Well, I liked going around and getting candy and stuff, but making and wearing a costume hasn't really ever been my thing, though I always enjoy seeing what other people dress up as. Can't wait to see what people dress up as this year!

This week has been really really stressful. I just seem to have a ton of things to do, and no time to do it! Not only do I have projects due and tests to study for, but I'm conducting for the first time in front of an audience this week. I have never conducted before, and while this is only for one song and it's not that big a deal, I'm still freaking out.

The biggest bummer is that when I get stressed out, I get down because I can't focus on anything but what's coming up. Then I get grumpy, mostly at people I care about because they are the closest ones to me. Then I don't feel like I can talk to them about how I'm feeling or how stressed out I am because I feel bad about treating them badly and I'm afraid of being mean to them again...which just gets me more stressed out because now I don't have an outlet to let my stress out on, so it starts building up more...

It's quite the vicious cycle.

So, I guess I'm just saying that if you see me this week, just give me an extra big hug or something...chances are I could really use it, but I don't feel like I can ask for one.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

TV Show of the week...

Pushing Daisies!

This is a new show this year, and the first thing you'll notice as you watch it is the almost Tim Burton-esque filming, though that's hardly surprising because it is produced and directed by Barry Sonnenfeld (Men in Black, Men in Black II, The Addams Family). It stars some people that I've never heard of or seen before, but more importantly it has Kristin Chenoweth!! She is so lovely, and so cute.

So, the plot:
Ned is a kid when he finds out that he can touch something dead and make it come back to life, but touch it again and it dies forever. Also, he can only keep a person alive for one minute before either that person has to die again or someone (in a close proximity) will die. So, naturally, Ned has decided to make pies for a living! Also, he works with a private investigator to solve murders. Ned goes to the dead victim, touches him or her, asks who murdered them, and before one minute elapses touches them again, killing them forever.

Straightforward, right?

Anyways, a great show, great cast, and totally random plot line...

Watch it now

Monday, October 22, 2007

The joys and terrors of Jazz Improv

I think I have done a silly thing. I have decided to sign up for another class next semester: Small Jazz Ensemble. It is basically jazz...and improvising, (cue scary music now, please). I am actually really looking forward to it, but it kinda freaks me out because I suck at improv, and usually have no desire whatsoever to do it. I must be on some kind of mind-altering drugs.

Other than that, there's nothing much going on. I went to a really good play last week, and it made me miss my yearly trips to the Ashland Shakespeare festival so much. The mother-daughter book club I was in would go to Ashland twice a year and go see between 3-6 plays each time we went. The acting company there is killer and I want to go right now. Anyone interested in a trip in May??

OSF 2008 Season

OSF 2007/2008 Multimedia

(This includes video highlights of the 2007 season!!!!!)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I should be napping...

So, as I was flipping through radio stations on my way home, I found one that had a church sermon on it. Curious as to what this church/pastor was saying I stopped and listened to the station for about 10 in that ten minutes, the program was broken up into these sections:

  • 2 minutes of sermon (it was at the end)
  • 5 minutes or more of telling listeners their name, address, phone number, website, PO Box number, how to find their church in Vancouver, how to give, telling people that they should really give, reminding listeners of their phone number, name, address, website, how to give, and so on. (they made sure to end with "thank you for your prayers and gifts, you have made it possible")
  • 3 minutes of commercials, (the two that stuck in my mind were: one that told women how they could looked SO MUCH better by using a face cream to make wrinkles "vanish" in twelve hours. The other one was from a pro-life clinic that is open right next to an abortion clinic - they needed $69,000 to keep their clinic open for two days a week, so that young girls can have the chance to save their baby's life. But if they didn't get enough money "soon" then they would have to close their doors.)

So, let me get this straight...out of a ten minute segment of this station, I got 2 minutes of God's word, and 8 minutes of getting money??? (remember, people pay to advertise)

What is wrong with this picture???

Brand New Radio

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Movie of the Week

This week's movie of the week is The Dish. It is an absolutely captivating movie about the big dish in Australia, and how they broadcasted the first lunar landing. At one point they lose the signal of the spacecraft, and at other times they are playing cricket on the dish itself. It puts this tiny town in Australia on the map...even though the dish is and was in the middle of a sheep paddock. Please go see this movie if you haven' won't regret it!

And that's the news of lake woebegon.

So, I am experiencing a magnificent three day weekend as I type this. I'm lounging in bed and doing absolutely nothing productive. Doesn't that sound nice?? It is. I spent a couple days in Eugene, which was fun. I haven't been there in a long time, and it was great to see my old stomping grounds, (I lived in Eugene for 10 years).

Right now I'm getting ready (more mentally than actually going and doing something about it) to go to the coast! Even though it's supposed to be raining today, I think it's going to be so much fun. The best part is that there's not really a plan, it's just a trip, which is the best kind!!

Other than that I'm a pretty boring person and nothing has been going on. Just craziness at school, and I had my first ever voice lesson yesterday with the most amazing gal ever! I've never had a voice lesson before, and she is a great teacher. It does mean, though that now I'm taking more lessons, which just adds to my busy schedule. But you know what? I really don't mind!

Monday, October 1, 2007

...and also...

I'm employed!! Yayayayayayayayay!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007



Friday, September 28, 2007

Back by poplular demand!

So there haven't been any posts in a while, but it's just because I've been superbusy (yes, one word). In addition to taking a butt-load of credits, I've been trying to work 30 hours a week, start up a pep band (I had help from my friend David, though), not to fail any of my classes, take new private music lessons, sleep, grok the meaning of life, keep up on my netflix movies...goodness! I get tired just writing that list!

I have to say, though that pep band has been amazing. It has really validated my belief that I want to be a band teacher, something I'd been wondering about for a while now. There is nothing better than getting up in front of a band, and have them play music that I've picked out, where I've studied the score and know how I want the band to sound. I'd been worried that I didn't really want to be a band teacher because it's what I've always wanted to be. I know that seems somewhat paradoxical, but because it's what I've always wanted to do I don't have a plan B if I didn't like conducting. I'm so glad to know now that I love it!!!

Because I've been so busy I made the decision to quit my job. It is the best decision I've made this school year. I'm going to miss it a lot, but I just can't do everything, you know? Hopefully I'll be back for Christmas and next summer or something, but who knows. I feel so dang relieved to not be going to work anymore. That sounds horrible, but it's totally true. Oh well.

I hope this will satisfy all you curious minds out there, I was getting complaints that I never update my blog anymore...but it was from people who know what's going on in my life. I guess they aren't sick of hearing about me yet.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

Trick #1

Best way to go home early from work: burst into tears when your boss asks you how your day was. But it should only be used when you're totally serious, when you don't mean to burst into tears, and then you turn bright red because you're crying in the middle of a crowded area, and your boss gets really panicky and tells you to go on a break or whatever (anything to get you to stop crying!), and then you're totally miserable for the rest of the evening, and feel like hugging your boss when he asks you if you want to go home. I guess it's not a trick at all...

Never mind.

Monday, September 10, 2007

my new catch phrase

So, I had a feedback card filled out about me at work by a customer, and it was really good feedback! She had come in and worried about not getting everything done that she needed to, and (apparently) I responded with "anything can happen if you just believe."

It is now my new catchphrase at work. And you know what, I am totally proud of that! (I'm such a cheeseball!!!!!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The first week of school...

The first week of school has been:

...any questions? :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

For those who remember...

A dubbed version of Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back to school...yay?

School starts up next week, and I feel very unprepared for it. I feel like it's still the beginning of summer, you know? I just started my job, I don't have to pack anything, and I'm really enjoying lying around on my butt and not doing anything (ok, so nothing new with that one). I'm going into this new year excited, but also a bit worried. I can't see how everything is going to be, which is silly to expect, especially this year will be so different from any other year. I guess I always resist a little bit to change; I was sad for the school year to end last year, but I'm not ready for it to start now. Perhaps that's not too different than what other people are thinking...

Oh well. The new year is here whether I'm ready for it or not.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Movie of the week

Pan's Labyrinth was one of the best movies I've seen all year. It was stunning, engaging, smart, and gorgeous. Some of the most incredible cinematography; every shot was smooth and near perfect. Pan's Labyrinth was also very intense, so be prepared before you plug it in, that you're in for a gripping movie. I found it easy to get past the blood and violence, because the movie had been done so well that it almost seemed necessary.


I really recommend it, it was a killer movie!

(here's the trailer)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

My job

So, there's a quote from the movie "My Man Godfrey" that reminds me of my work these past few weeks...

"You're proud of being a butler?"
"Proud of being a good butler. And might I add, sir, a butler has to be good to hold his job here"

Not that it's hard to hold my job, but I'm proud of the fact that I'm getting pretty good at my job, and that I'm getting a lot of great feedback from customers and co-workers. And you have to be good to work in the department I work in.

...and that makes me happy.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So lately...

So lately I've been getting really bogged down by little things. For some reason, even when I've had a really good day, if one things goes wrong, that's the thing that I remember, and I just get really down about it. Today there were a few bad things, and they ruined a perfectly good day! It's really frustrating when all I can dwell on is the negative things that have happened. I guess it's not a huge deal, but it does explain why I've been acting a bit weird today (and other days, for that matter).

So, another big work day tomorrow...I can't wait to see what's going to go wrong.

(PS there was a guy and gal who spent over $118 on bags of candy tonight. Their cart was quite impressive...)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Amazing! Utterly amazing!

This is a commercial that Honda made, using NO computer technology. Don't believe me? Check out what Snopes has to say about it...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The power of The Pair

There is an inexplicable and almost mystical bond between woman and shoe. Or rather, shoes. A new pair of shoes gives a woman a powerful oomph that not much else can give. No matter how much they may kill her feet, the shoes aren't taken off until they have been either 1. complimented (by girls and guys) or 2. have created more blisters than she's ever had before. And then, the shoes are only complained about when other women are present, so that she can get as much sympathy from those who have - literally and figuratively - been in her shoes.

But before the shoes are ever put on, the bond is there. A woman might not even be attempting to buy shoes, but there they are, just sitting innocently in the window of the store...the Perfect ones. The ones that would go great with that one outfit when she puts that cute coat on, and wears that one thing in her hair. They will perfect the outfit in the exact way that her other fifty pairs couldn't. It's magic. Once a girl gets a pair of shoes in her eyes and in her heart, her money is a goner. In fact, it wouldn't matter if the shoes didn't go with that one outfit when she puts on that cute coat and that one thing in her hair, she will buy them anyways, because, well, they'll go with something.

I'm only saying this because I had a similar experience this week. I went into REI to get work shoes, and after some hemming and hawing, I saw them. Plain, simple, dorky, clunky, somehow they ended up on my feet, and I was hooked. I managed to convince myself that they would work with any outfit, (something that was pretty surprisingly accurate)...I looked into my mother's eyes and said "these are them." That was all it took, and she knew as well as I did, that no matter how much I looked at others, I was going to walk out with those very shoes...and you know what? I did.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Composer of the week

Edward Elgar is my favorite composer at the moment, (though I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive him for pomp and circumstance). Here's the Chicago Symphony Orchestra doing the movement "Nimrod" (get your chuckles out now) from "Enigma." This is my all-time favorite Elgar composition, it practically brings me to tears every time I hear it.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The height of geekdom

People totally take me by surprise. I have never met a person who at some time or another hasn't knocked me completely on my head, thus changing the way I see them. Today I started my new job, and I was totally freaked out. For the first five minutes I wanted to bang my head against the wall and crawl into a courner and cry. But, after working with the gal who was training me, (someone I hadn't put a whole lot of faith in during those first few minutes), explained everything so well, was so nice, introduced me to practically everyone that walked by, and knew the job so well that I wanted to hug her, and I can't wait to work with her again!

Also today, I was glancing through the mini-feed on facebook, and I started reading some blogs that one of my acquaintances had been writing in. I have only had a couple classes with this person, and I always walked away from them thinking that they were a jerk, who didn't have an intelligent thought in their head, and that life was perfect for them. Reading their blogs was such an eye opener, and I feel like I should apologize to them for putting them into a box that they didn't belong in...Or at least give them a hug.

I spent most of yesterday with one of my good friends, and I really unloaded all the crap I'd been carrying around with me on her. She was so sweet, talking things through with me, encouraging me, and loving me as I am. I have a hard time being myself around people, and I'm working on changing that, and hanging out with her yesterday really boosted my confidence. I'm always surprised when people like the "real me," and I'm not really sure why...but yesterday was so awesome, and I'm SO glad I got to go!!!

So, yeah. The more I think about it, the more people pleasantly surprise me, which is totally cool.

...and I like my new job, even though it's the height of geekdom.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Saw Dead People

I just got back from OMSI's Body Works 3 exhibit, and it was the most impressive thing I've seen since the Egypt exhibit at the Portland Art Museum!

The Body Works exhibit uses actual cadavers that have been preserved using a brand new technique called plastination. It prevents the bodies from decomposing and even from smelling. Plastination also has to ability to "freeze" bodies into incredible positions, allowing visitors to see a 180-degree view of the body, and also allowing the exhibitors to accent the muscles that they want to.

To show whole bodies, they often harden them with gases to make them displayable. You were able to see actual bodies up close and personal, like no textbook could possibly show you, and no 3-D model could possibly portray. In addition to whole bodies, they had individual organs, letting you see healthy ones right next to unhealthy ones (for example, a smoker's lungs next to a non-smoker's). They were also able to show configurations of blood vessels, and all the intricate details that I'd never seen before (look at the arm on the left). All in all a very dramatic exhibit, with up close and personal, dramatic visual aids.

I don't think you'll have to worry about getting grossed out by dead bodies, they had a certain "fakeness" to them because they weren't the oozy, lifeless, creepy dead beings that we usually picture; this was science at its best! I hope you get a chance to go before it leaves OMSI!

Body Worlds 3

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Quilt Show 2007

So, this year's Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show was quite a doozy as far as quilt shows go.

As I said in my other quilt show post, the entire city of Sisters is covered with quilts. Every single part of town is equipped with a string of wire (in the place you would hang Christmas lights) so that quilts can be hung by clothespins, as you can (kinda) see here:

...and the entire town is decorated!
The Stitchin' Post hosts the quilt show, and they set up this shop in the back parking lot of the store, to help get people through lines (and out of the VERY crowded store)

The Employee "Challenge" quilts (hung on the side of the Stitchin' Post) are always a highlight of the show. The employees of the Stitchin' Post are given parameters for what their quilt will be about. This year's challenge: Inspired by nature.

Another beautiful employee challenge quilt

This year they closed down the main street (hwy 20) so that the throngs of quilters (and their husbands) had an easier time to move around

These quilts were hung on the side ally of the Post space goes unused!

...not even grassy areas, which are covered with quilt display stands!

As you can see, all the quilts are works of art in their own right, and each and every one gets appreciated for its beauty.

So now you see why the Quilt Show is such a big to-do in Sisters. Without it, some businesses wouldn't be able to survive in the slow winter months. And one thing's for certain, it certainly puts Sisters on the map.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The end is here, and it's kinda sad...

So, I went and got the new Harry potter book last night. Even though I went to Barnes and Noble, I didn't have to wait all that long, about 40 minutes or so, and it was even a FUN 40 (or so) minutes. It made me really happy to see all these kids and their parents get dressed up and be so excited for a book. I was telling my mom that I've never ever had to wait in line for a specific book opening before, and it was a nice change. I have stood in queues for movie premiers, heard stories from friends for waiting for video game systems, and even read of lines for the iPhone, but I've never heard or see anything as amazing as what I saw last night. The queue just to buy the book winded all the way around Barnes and Noble, weaving in and out of stacks. The atmosphere was really great, all the people were so friendly, and even though we were all the 1 am show-ups, the people I was around were no less Harry Potter fanatics than the ones that showed up in the afternoon...we were just people with less time.

I was originally morally opposed to ANY sort of sequel or spin-off of the Harry Potter world, but standing in that queue last night, and seeing kids and their parents equally excited about reading, and because of how much I love the characters, I'm thinking that more Harry Potter books wouldn't be such a bad thing...

Please don't shoot me for saying that.

So, of my predictions, some were right on, some were sort of on, some were sort of off, and some were so wrong that I am wondering what I was thinking. I think this book is my favorite out of all of them, but only because it explains pretty much everything, and ties up all the loose ends that I could think of. The plot was totally awesome, and went in places I had never dreamed it would go, and went places I didn't really want it to go...but I LOVED it, none the less.

However, I can't say that the book was the most well written one of the series. I honestly think that JK Rowling's editors can't say no, or can't par down her books because they are so popular. Consequently, I felt that sometimes this book had a lot of dead space. Or maybe I just didn't fancy the "filler" information. There seemed to be a lot to fit into this one book, but there also seemed to be a lot of...well, dead space. I can't really describe it any better than that.

Anyways, totally awesome, totally freaky, totally sad. One of her best books, in my opinion, let me know what you think!

(As a side note, I hate the US cover because I still don't understand it, and I've read the book! Can anyone explain it to me? Am I that oblivious? I liked the children's UK cover much more, as I actually understood it - great part of the book, don't you think? But what is with the adult cover, everyone reads Harry Potter! Don't be ashamed, old people!!)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter!

Well, it comes out in three hours! I'm so excited!! I'm getting my book at either midnight or one am...or rather that's when I'm going to stand in the line and wait for an eternity!

My friend Sarah and I made a whole bunch of predictions, and I'd like to share them with you, so you can all see how entirely out to lunch and out of touch with Harry Potter I am!
  • Harry will find something of importance at Godric's Hollow.
  • Hogwarts will be shut down, and that's where Voldemort and Harry will duel.
  • Dumbledore's pensive will help Harry
  • At the end there will be a flash forward/epilogue (like Hermione and Ron with a baby, and where Harry is and all that)
  • Neville and Luna will get together
  • Trewlawney is an unregistered animagus (a cat)
  • Silver locket (at end of book 6) stolen by Regalus Black, and is still in Grimmauld place (see book 5)
  • either Arabella Fig or Filch will do magic
  • Blaise Zabini (book six, slughorn's office with Tom Riddle) will be important in this book.
  • Mad Eye Moody
  • Kingsley Shacklebot
  • Draco Malfoy
  • Lucius Malfoy
  • Bellatrix
  • Voldemort
  • Misc. Students : Ernie, Neville...
  • Misc. Teachers : Hagrid, Trewlawney (if Voldemort finds out that she made the original prediction)
  • Snape (we can't agree weather or not he's good, but he's gonna die)
  • Diary
  • Ring
  • Locket
  • Hufflepuff Cup
  • Something Ravenclaw??
  • Something Gryffindor?? (the sword)
  • Nagini (the snake)
Where the Horocruxes are:
  • Orphanage
  • Hogwarts (multiple?)
  • Godric's Hollow
People who come back:
  • Viktor Krum
  • Gilderoy Lockhart
  • Madame Maxine
  • Sirius Black
  • Justin Finch-Fletchley
Sarah is now saying that Harry will die, because he has to be a tragic hero. She thinks he'll be the last Horocrux, and have to die to get Voldemort killed. I think he's going to live and be happy every after with Ginny.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wii Fit

So, in case you live your life in a large hole, you will have heard of the Nintendo Wii system, the state of the art Nintendo heaven. It includes bowling, (where you wave around a little stick), and your favorite gaming oldies, with a dash of new exiting games and extra features. However, Nintendo has recently unveiled their "Wii Fit" a little white square that helps you stay fit. The following video is the actual promotional video, with a...colorful...voice over. I hope you enjoy it.

(on a side note, I know I've been posting a lot of videos lately, but don't worry, it's just because I spend too much time on youtube...I'll post something real soon)

Thursday, July 12, 2007


In want of a hair straightener.

I want a hair straightener.

...and "phisod" is an incorrect spelling. It is spelled "facade."

Just thought you'd like to know.

I think I'm in love!

I saw the cutest chick flick last night! License to Wed is so dang amazing, I can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD so I can buy it!!! So cheesy, but so cute! John Krasinski is so awesome, and I think I'm in love with him...if you know him, let him know...(just kidding!).

Ok, ok, so it wasn't the best movie ever or anything, but it was pretty dang fun. I enjoyed the dumb laughs, which came almost too infrequently, the robotic babies, and the stupid ending. I really enjoyed all the cameos from actors who are in The Office. Including John Krasinski, there were 4 people from The Office who were in it.

Anyways, totally cute, totally lame, and I can't wait to own it!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Quilt Show Week

So, I know this sounds lame, but I totally forgot what 3 am felt like. Well, I know what it's like from the staying up until 3 and then going to bed, and that is fun...but the other side of 3 am is not so much fun. You know, the waking up at 3 to go on a road trip side.

Anyways, it totally wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, because I'm so glad to be on vacation! My mum and I are spending a week is Sisters, where we will be enjoying the world famous annual "Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show." If you have never been, you should totally go! It is as close to a complete insane asylum as you will (hopefully) ever get! The town grows from about 1,000 people to about 30,000 people, and the entire town is crawling with little old ladies (and their husbands) looking at quilts that are hung on the outside of shops all along downtown Sisters. Like I said, a nuthouse...but without the house. The Stitchin' Post hosts the quilt show, and for the entire week before they take over the high school and offer quilting classes, taught by world famous quilters. It is quite a sight to see!

During the Quilt show, this is what the main street (hwy 20) usually looks like. It's going to look different this year, because they are closing the entire road down for the day.

Totally amazing, and dreadfully annoying for locals, the Quilt Show is essentially the reason most businesses in Sisters survive. Quilt Show is the biggest day of the year for everyone (except hair-cutting places). So, if you come, pack a lunch, or be prepared to wait at least an hour, maybe an hour and a half for food.

The Quilt Show is the second Saturday in July, and quilting classes are the week before. Be sure to sign up for any classes in January or February, because they fill up fast!!

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

The Stitchin' Post

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Musical Term of the Week

Thursday I spent the day in Portland with a couple friends, and after we'd lounged at the Boulangerie, we made our way to Powells, where I bought a pocket music dictionary. I stole the idea from a friend, and I have found it to be fascinating! I know, I know, only a music geek thinks a pocket music dictionary is cool, but I've accepted my geekdom. Anyways, here's the Musical Term of the Week:

zapateado (tsah-pah-teh-AH-doh) : A Spanish dance in triple time characterized by rhythmic heel stamping.

Use in at least three sentences this week to astound your musical friends!

Lake Oswego

Yesterday I went to the lake of Lake Oswego, and it was a terrific experience! My favorite place to swim is in lakes, and this is by far my favorite one! Not too hot and not too cold, a little grassy, but other than that, great! A perfect place to have a picnic, and then sit and read after a quick swim. (I recommend pate and baguette sandwiches.) If you ever get the chance, go swimming there, I know I'll be back as soon as I can get there.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Movie of the Week

Ratatouille, best movie ever? Probably not.
Really darn good movie that you should go and see right now? OH YEAH!!!

It is one of the best (if not THE best) Pixar movie so far. The animation was perfect (they really have wet fur down), the story was charming and overall a movie without a flaw. You know how the end of kid movies tend to have the syrupy sweet ending that you really can't quite believe? Well, the end of this movie is wonderful! My favorite part of the movie was the bright red converse that the main (human) character wears...and of course his roller skates. I never knew that the Parisian skyline was so gorgeous, even in computer animation. Ray said that there was nothing wrong with this movie, and I completely agree with him!

Go see this movie immediately!!

Here's a nine minute sneak peek of the movie

And here is the trailer.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Here is a website that has discovered the humor behind replacing certain words in the Star Wars script for "pants." Childish, I know, but so dang funny!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


I just got back from an amazing wedding! The bride and groom go to my church and I am so happy for them! The entire wedding was so classy, and by some miracle all the bridesmaids looked terrific in their dresses! I totally almost lost it and bawled like a kid during the ceremony, and again during the father daughter dance. Laura, the bride, gave her promise ring to her husband, thanking him for never pressuring her or putting her in a position that would compromise their commitment to purity. (That's when I started to tear up.) Also, dancing at the wedding was great, and not the scary ordeal that my dad seems to make of it (I think he threatened my sister with bodily harm if she was going to have dancing at her wedding), which I suppose means he has two rather large left feet. :)

However, there is always some sort of letdown after a big get-together, and this wedding was no exception. I always get a little sad after weddings, because no matter how happy I am for the bride and groom, I know that I don't have someone to go home to. However, I loved seeing all my friends from church, and getting to know new friends!

*sigh* wonderful!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So there, traffic jam!!

So, today I knew that I was a true Portlander! I was going to go home by way of my usual freeway, but it was all clogged and traffic was basically at a standstill. I decided to nix that, and I go a different way. I ended up on I-5 (a complete accident) and got home so dang easily it was scary.

The reason this makes me a Portlander is because I'm from a small town, where directions are more of a general idea, you know, "turn left at the big red barn" sort of directions. So, to be able to just go where I thought I needed to be with no help from anyone, and end up at home was a very proud moment for me! Yay! Go team me!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Music Theory Actually Kinda Rocks

My music theory prof was amazing, and had the best sayings of anyone I have ever heard. In fact, they were so amazing that my friends wrote them down...and I stole them!

“Donald Trump has the biggest comb-over I’ve ever seen! Hey. It’s ok. Just be bald. It’s alright.”
“It’s just Caitlin. I would never hurt her. She’s too nice. I wouldn’t do that. But there are other people I would hurt. I’m waiting for them. Get them in the jugular.”
“Sometimes you’re going to end up with wild and catastrophic dissonances with these things.”
“Lang! Take one of these. This is a good day for you.” (Jedi?)
“It has a whole big bunch of drama in it.”
“Ok. Flip page.”
“I’ll play it so you can feel it. Today is a music day.”
“Don’t those sound nice? Say, ‘Yes’.”
“Whoa! I love it! Whoo hoo! Whoa, whoa!”
“Stevie Wonder, here we come!”
“Here’s Tim’s dark music.”
“Ah, ha ha. That is nice.”
“You gotta resolve that. You can’t leave life without resolving that.”
“Why say boring things?”
“Tsunami is coming.”
“For those of you who haven’t done this type of music before…I’m green now.”
Tim: “Now, is this making your eyes flutter?”
Corey: “With love?”
Tim: “No, with hatred.”
“Sounds like machine guns firing out there. ‘Da Russians are coming!!!’ Like someone’s gonna just mow you all down.” (Pretends to hold machine gun and fires)
“It’s Ellington. You can’t change that.”
Mouths “Call me” to Tyler
“You can come up and call me names if you like.”
“He wrote his Jupiter Symphony in 2 weeks…shwshwshwshwshwshw Bang! Jupiter Symphony.”
Tim: “There’s a bunch of kids out here. How do I get upstairs?”
Ashley: “Go the other way.”
Tim: “Oh, yeah.”
“I have mud all over. Is that ok?”
“It gets thorny. I don’t’ want to do thorns, I’m tired.”
“Here look at this. Here’s some nice people in a boat.”
Tim: “It’s some sort of quasi-mode.”
Corey: “So, it’s quasi-modal?”
*General Laughter*
Tim: “That was good.”
“Look at the pagoda I drew in the first hour. Looks like a fir tree…(smiles)”
Tim: “What sound do you hear now?”
Caitlin: “A piano.”
Tim: (crosses eyes)…”What scale?”
“Raindrops falling on the ground…(beat)…but not on my head…(smiles)”
Sally walks in late. Tim stares at her and points at the clock.
“No cell phones or smiling.”
“Don’t take it out on the avacados. Give them a chance to do something to you.”
“I reuse everything, except for Kleenex.”
“She takes her clothes off, but this video doesn’t show it, so we’re not going to watch it.”
“And then all of a sudden BBBBLLLLLLEEEEEGGGGGG! down to Eb.
Someone stomps up the stairs. “That sounded like a squirrel.”
“I want to see ponies. I’ve always wanted a pony.”
Tim: “Hey you knotheads! What’s going on in Measure 19?”
Marcel: “I’m not going to say anything.”
Tim: “Good. That’s good.”
“That’s a lot of notes for Tim to play, but I’ll try. I’ am limited; I did call in stupid
“Can I do this? Yes I can. No. I can’t. Yes I can. Well. Yes I can.”
“There are no rules.”
Ashley: “Good job, Tim.”
Tim: “Yeah.”
“The next thing they do is piss…PITCH! PITCH CLASS!!!!!!!”
“I have to give a lecture now. I spent a lot of time on this. It’s a stunning lecture; you’ll all be weeping by the time I’m finished. Get ready. Buckle your seat belts.”
“It looks like one of those rolling gel wave things that people look at…[gyrates a bit] whoa….crack smokers, y’know…”
“If you hit someone on the head with a hammer for a long enough time, they will eventually become part of the hammer.”
“Let’s not experience death this morning.”
Speaking of the 12 year old piano playing, smart kid from Banks. “I keep telling everyone that I could take him in a street fight.”
“What a beautiful melody. You can have all melodies ever written for $19.95!”
“Sounds like the squirrels on my roof.”
“It’s kinda one of those things that ruled the world for awhile.”
“Is that good for you? You like that, do ya?”
“That’s Franz Liszt right there.”
“Ho ho ha whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, that’s already spookin’ me out.”
“Tha tha tha da da yea, I’m excited now.”
“I’ve got a six-four in the key of g and it’s awesome! Whoo!
“I made something awesome. I want to get paid.”
“I brought 14 copies of the wrong thing. I shouldn’t have done that.”
"You have to be investigators. Theory investigators into the mystery of life.”
“One is analyzed out. The other is not. One is hard. The other one is hard.”
“Don’t criticize me. I didn’t practice it.”
“They generally come back here, or they go somewhere else.”
“Is that hard? Yes that’s hard.”
Sung: “V Fryderyck Chopin, i. That’s his famous cadence”
“It sounds like barbershop music. It also sounds like Brahms.”
“Tie that over. That’s your seventh of the thing.”
“Then you’re back, doin’ your stuff again.”
“We’re gunna do this not the way I just did them.”
“Bad, bad, bad. I scold them.”
“Do I like it that way? No. But I’m gunna live with it.”
“I don’t like this. Any votes? I’ve almost had enough of this.”
“I think they’re tryin’ to get too theory on ya here.”
Ashley’s whoops, “A few inches makes a big difference.”
“It’s All Saints Day, I can do a doubled third.”
“You guys are going to be modulating masters before this thing is done.”
“Whoo. Intonation issue there.”
“I had a thing in my head that said, ‘Fix the problem.’ So I fixed the problem.”
“Hey. You meatheads. (beat) That was said with a great deal of love.”
“I want it to be more exotic. Naw, I don’t even want to do that anymore.”
“It can be done.” (beat) “It’s will be done.” (smile)
“Get to work or I will use the ‘meathead’ term.”
“You guys are becoming skillful a this. Quite skillful.”
"Now you prob’ly got it goin’ there.”
"I have a six fetish today"
"Spiders and Beethoven do not mix well..."
"Let's write the pile-driving song!"

Movie of the Week

Alfred Hitchcock is a freaking genius! I love almost every movie of his that I've seen, (except for The Birds, which freaked me out when I saw it...ugh, I was afraid for birds for weeks after!). But one of my all-time favorites is I Confess. It stars Montgomery Clift (yowza! You know, for a dead gay guy...), and Anne Baxter. It is about a Catholic Priest who gets blamed for a murder, he can't tell the police who the real murderer is because he heard it in confession. Absolutely beautiful to watch, and very thought provoking. Definitely one to see if you haven't!

I Confess

Friday, June 22, 2007

I have an idea that's totally boatless

I can't resist!


Romeo and Juliet Part 1

Romeo and Juliet Part 2

Reduced Shakespeare Company

It's as it sounds...

Michael Jackson Part 1

Michael Jackson Part2

The best TV show ever! Watch as much as possible!

Pick up lines

Here's my favorite nerdy pick-up line:

You're so cute you make my zygomaticus muscles contract.



I forgot to tell my parents that I named our old lady car "Sweetums." (After the muppet character, duh!!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A new blog for the demanding parental

So, nothing has really been going on, so I haven't written (though I'm not the only one neglecting my blogging duties *ahem* *David*). However, today was pretty exciting! I had a band concert, which went horribly wrong, ruining my evening...ugh! I was missing key signatures all over the place, the band wasn't watching, I was totally out of it, and it was an all around bad concert. And, to add insult to injury, we got rear-ended on hwy 205 on our way there. It was stop and go traffic, and this jerk wasn't watching and smacked the back of our car. I haven't seen my dad that angry in a long time...he and my mom jumped out of the car and went to talk to him. It was crazy.

So...yeah. I've been reading books like a mad woman, getting through about a book or two a day. Right now I'm on a Tamora Pierce kick, though I've been reading a lot of Meg Cabot, and am about to get into Patricia C. Wrede. Basically any young adult author that I liked as a young adult (ha ha). It's been a lot of fun and brainless entertainment!

So, that's the news of Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.

(P.S. I have had to kill an alarming amount of spiders in our apartment recently - THREE is the past TWO WEEKS!!!!!! - and I am wondering if perhaps a spider has laid eggs and now they have hatched and grown and are now on a killing spree. I am the Chosen One to send them back to hell where they belong...hmmm. More later.)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My amazing weekend!

So, I just had a fantastic weekend at the coast! I went to visit my friend who lives near Astoria, and the two of us went on a ton of adventures. I participated in the traditional Chinook First Salmon Ceremony, I saw the Interceptor from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, I met the crew of the Lady Washington (what the Interceptor is really called), I went to a tea house, I bought the tool I need to change the strings on my guitar, I drove the longest I ever have on my own, I watched the Road to El Dorado, I climbed ocean rocks, I ate salmon, I went to Washington, I saw birds dive into the river and catch fish, I bought a new thing of burts bees lip balm, and helped make dinner. It was awesome!!!!
(The picture is of the tool needed to change the strings on a guitar)

I suppose if you're being all anal, it really wasn't a weekend, it was a thursday and friday, but I'll call it my weekend!

Upon my arrival I was confronted by my friend, Sarah, her car keys in hand who marched me right back out of her house and told me we were going to Astoria (something I was excited about, but I had just experienced a two hour drive, and more time in the car wasn't exactly my idea of a warm welcome). We ended up going to the tea house there, the most wonderful place in Astoria, even including where The Goonies was shot in. As we wondered around the town, I realized that Astoria is not the pit I had originally thought it was. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a tourist trap/pit if I ever saw one, but it certainly is a nice place to visit! That evening we didn't do anything except try to stay awake through Letterman to watch Pink Martini, though we gave up soon after it started because we were too pooped.

We got up early the next morning, and she took me to experience something I had never experienced in my entire life, a traditional Chinook First Salmon Ceremony. This one wasn't for tourists, this was for the actual tribe themselves. They caught salmon earlier in the day, and were starting to cook it early in the morning by placing the fish in between two cedar planks, and smoking them over the fire. The official first fish of the season was ceremoniously brought on shore by a small crew of Chinook Indians in a traditional canoe. The fish was covered in cedar branches, and the canoe was signaled by Native Americans on the shore singing and playing their drums.

We were told the story of Coyote, who is the reason they must do this ceremony each year. Coyote caught a fish the wrong way for the area, and as he kept making mistakes, he was told how to properly catch fish. You caught it by kicking it's head, filling it's mouth with salmon berries, and eating the entire fish. There are rules for people who can eat the fish, though, you can't have killed someone (like in a battle), you can't eat if you're mourning the loss of a loved one, and you can't if you are on your moon cycle. Before you eat some salmon, you take a drink of water to cleanse your body, showing the salmon as much respect as you possibly can. It is a tremendous ceremony, one I'd like to be a part of again. It took place at the mouth of the Columbia river, At Fort Columbia. It was the most beautiful and fun park I have ever been to! There was so much history there; Sarah's grandparents told us about the cove that was the chief's private canoe launching cite, and a place for him to go and think or escape. They knew their heritage all the way back to the chief, Sarah being the 9th generation of descendants. There were lots of rocks to climb around on, and being the mountain girl that I am, I looked very clumsy trying to climb these sea rocks...give me some dirt and I know what to expect, this rock thing is a bit new to me. So, I got made fun of, and some old men tried to help me by telling me the easiest way to get up to where they were, but it was so much fun I didn't care!!
(The pictures are from the 2002 first salmon ceremony, the canoe coming towards shore, and the first fish on a cedar plank, being thanked by the Chinook)

(The Lady Washington)

The real highlight of the day was to meet some of the crew from the Lady Washington, or as you probably know her, the Interceptor from Pirates of the Caribbean, (or the ship from Star Trek Generations, if you're a geek like me). They were there to celebrate with the Chinook because of the long history the Chinook have with tall ships, and the personal connection with the Captain if the Lady Washington and the Chinook people. The crew were AMAZING! The kindest, funniest, brightest group of people I've met in a long time! They were just so dang cool!!! I talked mostly with two gals named Holly and Bethany, they were so enthusiastic about living on a tall ship that I am very tempted to do their volunteer training course, where you go out to sea on the Lady Washington, become a crew member for two weeks, and have a "life-changing experience" as Holly called it. The Lady and her crew sail from Washington to California, giving history of the ship, tours, "living education", transporting people, and just living the life sailing from place to place. I believe it was even just recently made the state ship of Washington. It is quite cool to see the ship up close (well, as up close as you can from shore, but still...), and it is absolutely gorgeous!! They were sailing with the Hawaiian Chieftain, also from the West Coast, and the two of them out there in the open ocean (actually it was the mouth of the Columbia river, but I call it the ocean) made me feel like I was a pirate or something, even with all the gas-powered boats speeding by.
(The Hawaiian Chieftain on the left, the Lady Washington on the right)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Creation Museum

"Prepare to Believe"

That's the motto of the newly opened Creation Museum, a museum in Kentucky that show a walk through scientific explanation of the history of the world as stated by the Bible. Life-like Adam and Eve model the story of original sin, they have explanations of the creation of the Grand Canyon, the Great Flood, you can listen to Mary tell the story of the birth of Jesus, and even see how dinosaurs were a part of everyday life in the home of early people. The museum claims that some could have even been pets. On one hand, some Christians are very excited for it, "One parent confided: 'At last there's a place I can bring the kids where they are taught what we teach them at home.'"

However, traditional scientists are going crazy over it, calling it unscientific, and, for the part about dinosaurs and humans living together, complete fiction. "The only thing missing is 'yabba dabba doo.'"

(The picture has been photoshopped to crop images together)

The museum was built to disprove evolution, and claims that all the information is not only biblical, but scientific as well. It is quite controversial, and is attempting to refute all that science has offered us in the last century...something that isn't necessarily good.

BBC video
Creation Museum
Creation Museum walk-through
Creation Museum early photos