Friday, December 26, 2008

Website of the Week

Cake Wrecks

I stumbled upon this website last night, and I was laughing so hard that I was afraid I was going to wake up the house. It is a website that shows cake decorating disasters. I couldn't believe how many grocery store cakes look that bad and people will still buy them.

Here are some of my favorites...

"The mind, it boggles. Is this a frilly white Santa caterpillar, crawling up a red boulder?"

"Sorry, you can't have any"

"We'll wish you luck, but we don't have to be happy about it."

"Disaster was narrowly avoided at the Smith household today, when 3-year-old Billy took the instructions on his birthday cake a little too literally."

"Ah, the traditional 'Snake in a Flamenco Dress' turkey - of course.
But where are the castanets?"

"The mom-to-be was having triplets, so they ordered a cake with 'congratulations' written on it three times:

Check it out!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pushpin Mario

This is absolutely amazing!! I really want to do something like this. Anyone up for helping?

Here are more photos on flickr, you should check them out. (This is a scene from Super Mario Brothers 3 on NES - First level in the first world. Don't ask how I know that.)

Merry Christmas

May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Spoof of the Week

I went and saw the Twilight movie a while ago, and I really enjoyed it. It wasn't the best movie in the world, but I thought it did a good job of capturing the essence of the book. But, this is the best trailer spoof of it that I've seen.

And here's the original trailer in case you haven't watched it a million times like me.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Muppets/Julie Andrews clips of the week

This is a song from The Sound of Music. Done a pitch. But still good.

This is a song from The King and I. Julie Andrews gets attacked by monsters, but still whistles a happy tune...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gypsy Jazz Guitar Song of the Week

I just stumbled upon this (ok, I found it on the awesomer, but I didn't want everyone thinking I do nothing but look at that website). This is an incredible Gypsy Jazz Guitar Song of a song in the Nintendo NES Mario 2 game. I hope you enjoy!

Original Website

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Website of the Week

I stumbled upon this website from another website I frequent, though I really can't remember what. It's called "The Awesomer" and it totally lives up to its name. I've found t-shirts, games, cars, action figures, screen shots from upcoming games, shirts, lunch bags, sushi and a ton of other things that I can't even think of right now. Some of my favorite things (besides the spoiler shirt below) are:
Marshall Alexander paper toys
40 Inspirational Speeches (totally worth watching. I wanted to do something great after I watched it)
Silent Film Star Wars
and of course, German Star Trek Commercials

I hope you all enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

spoiler shirt

And here's a shirt that has all of the spoilers from well-known movies. Check it out if you dare!

Spoilt t-shirt

Proposition 8 - The Musical

This is amazing!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spring Awakening!!!

Let me just say that when my friend started talking to me about getting student rush tickets for a musical I had never heard of, I was a bit indifferent about going. I didn't really care because I'm hoping to see more musicals and plays soon.

Now, I can't imagine my life without seeing this play. My friends and I got tickets ON STAGE!! They were the cheap seats!!!! I couldn't believe it. We were literally sitting with the cast around us. We could touch them (though we were told we would get thrown out if we talked to, touched, or poked the actors). To let you see where I was, here is a picture of the stage and where I was:


Yeah. You're jealous.

Here's some more pics, because it was so awesome!

Completely and totally one of the best performances I have ever seen. Now, I haven't seen all that many musicals, but I have seen enough plays, symphony concerts, and band concerts to choke a horse, and I have never seen actors as young as this perform as well as they did. Completely professional, completely prepared, they were better than many seasoned acting troupes that I have seen. Some were still in high school, and some were in their twenties, but all were amazing. Tonight was closing night in Portland, but they will be in California for 6 weeks I think, and if you can see it, GO! And ask for the tickets on the stage - it is completely worth it!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Singer of the Week

Ximena SariƱana is one of my new favorite artists. I've been trying to find her new album, Mediocre, at Everyday Music for forever now, but they are on backorder for it. She just got nominated for a Latin Grammy, and she better win!!! I describe her as a Latin Norah Jones, but better. I hope you guys like this song, the classic jazz song Volare.

Her official Website is here. Though her website is in Spanish, so you might have better luck with the NPR website, who did a really nice article on her this month.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jesus Dubs

There is a series of four short videos that show an old bible movie with clever dubs. This is my favorite one, but you should check them all out!

Friday, September 12, 2008

I wish I had a sing-along blog!

My friend showed me thing blog/video thing this week, and it is so freaking amazing!!

It's in three acts and runs about 42 minutes, but it is hilarious, and very very very well done! You really should watch it. It can be a little dull at the beginning, but once the songs start, you won't be able to stop watching!!!

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Thursday, August 7, 2008

blogs come in threes

Sorry for the vulgarity. I just couldn't resist.


A year ago, I wrote this on my myspace blog:

"Right now I'm going through some things that I've needed to face and deal with for a while, but that doesn't make them any easier, in fact it makes them harder. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't second guess myself about everything I'm doing. Well, maybe one day, maybe even two, but I always wonder. Some days it feels like all this is behind me and I can move on, and others I just feel like crawling into a hole and crying. Thankfully, I don't have as many of those days as I used to, but they are still around. Days where I think I need an emotional "quick fix", but know it will only make the problem worse.

Today was one of those days.

I feel like I'm under some sort of rock. Every time I look up, it's the same stuff that I'm trying to get out of. It never ends. The rock is too big to move, so I just chip away at the courners, but I never feel like I'm accomplishing something.

However, I am accomplishing something.

And that is really good.

But it also sucks...


I read it again today as a total fluke and realized that I wrote it exactly one year ago (August 7th, 2007). Is it possible for a whole year to have gone by and to have nothing change at all? I can't believe that this still describes the exact feelings I felt today. I couldn't even put it into words until I read this.

The only difference is that I think the rock is a tiny bit smaller, and I'm more determined to break it away bit by bit. Maybe I'll feel vastly different in a year, but somehow I kind of doubt it.

Book of the Week

Once again, I found myself counting down the minutes until a book released. I stood in line for a couple hours, met new people, and screamed with everyone else when they announced "15 more minutes!"

Yes, I was one of the suckers who stood in line for the new Twilight book, Breaking Dawn. And you know what? It was TOTALLY worth it!!! I haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time. When I finished it, I couldn't stop smiling. It was the perfect ending to the book. And I slept for 15 hours straight with a smile on my face.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Website of the Week

The Knights of Malt Merchandise Mart is hilarious. It goes along with the Caledonian Conclave, a website dedicated to the musing of the Brothers who look after the holy peat bogs and partake in the spirits.

My only qualm is that it is updated rarely. But definitely worth a look. Here is the post about their new product, Maltoids®...

The officially sanctioned pastille of the Knights of Malt, the Caledonian Conclave and the Monks of St. Ardbeg's

Now you too can savor the flavor that guides the faithful! Direct from the peat bogs of St. Ardbeg's, Maltoids® are here.

Just slip one of these mighty lozenges in your mouth and feel the full fury of the Spirit. Infused with malt, peat and the purest water from the bog springs of St. Ardbeg's, Maltoids® can make a mundane mouth feel fully filled by the Spirit.

A vulgar joke passed amongst the Monks goes something like this: "Is that a tin of Maltoids in your femoralia or are you just committing a venial sin?" Seriously though, no monk would be caught out without a tin of our little tablets blessed by the abbott himself. And now you can have the exquisite experience of the Spirit even when the thing itself is unavailable. Try Maltoids® The Furiously Strong lozenge.

Individual tins or cases of 144 for the true believer!

The monks of St. Ardbeg's recommend that Maltoids® not be partaken of while operating heavy equipment, driving or speaking with an officer of the court.

WARNING! Ecstatic vision may occur if the recommended daily allowance of Maltoids® is exceeded. The brothers encourage everyone to partake responsibly.

My baby!!

I got my baby back today. I really hope that we will never part again. Well, I just hope it doesn't die this's my senior year! So, welcome back computer! I missed you.

Book of the Week

I've read the book Ender's Game about 4 or 5 times by now, and I love it. Every time I read it I like it a little better, and I liked it a lot to begin with. The characters are so real, the action is enthralling, and though I'm not one for "war books" I couldn't put this down. However, this book of the week is not Ender's Game; It is the sequel, Speaker for the Dead.

I refused to read Speaker because I was angry that the author thought he could add to Ender's Game. How could he try and add to perfection? I didn't read it and I didn't want to. But this summer has been long and boring, so when I (finally) bought Ender's Game and read it again, I was out of things that I was really interested in reading. So I went and bought Speaker for the Dead and hoped that it would at least be entertaining, if it was going to be as bad as I thought.

I was completely and totally wrong. Speaker was better than Ender's Game. It is a very different style, it's deep and not full of action, it's absolutely fascinating. It starts out with a new planet, new characters, and I got mad because I couldn't see what it had to do with the first book. But Ender is called out to do a speaking for someone who has died, and ends up deeply entwined in the new characters and the new setting. I really wish I could tell you more, but I can't without giving away the rest of the book.

I began to wonder why I hadn't ever read at least part of this book before. And when I was reading the forward to another Orson Scott Card book, Ender's Shadow (Ender's Game from the point of view of Bean), the author answered my question:

"I have never found it surprising that the existing sequels never appealed as strongly to those younger readers. The obvious reason is that Ender's Game is centered around a child, while the sequels are about adults; perhaps more important, Ender's Game is, at least on the surface, a heroic, adventurous novel, while the sequels are a completely different kind of fiction, slower paced, more contemplative and idea-centered, and dealing with themes of less immediate import to younger readers."

Orson Scott Card also mentions that the three sequels to Ender's Game are more related, and the first book can stand on its own.

So, the moral of the blog is, go and read Ender's Game if you haven't, and then go read Speaker for the Dead. They are very well written, and very very very good books.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


About 20 years ago, the New York Times decided to let its readers in on the world of Grunge music. They wrote an article about it, and called up Sub Pop Records in Seattle, the origin of most grunge music to add some "what these kids are saying" flair to their article. Unfortunately, when the author of the article called, they were put through to Megan Jasper, who had some fun at their expence. Too bad the New York Times didn't do any fact-checking...


All subcultures speak in code; grunge is no exception. Megan Jasper, a 25-year-old sales representative at Caroline Records in Seattle, provided this lexicon of grunge speak, coming soon to a high school or mall near you:

WACK SLACKS: Old ripped jeans

FUZZ: Heavy wool sweaters

PLATS: Platform shoes

KICKERS: Heavy boots


BOUND-AND-HAGGED: Staying home on Friday or Saturday night

SCORE: Great



DISH: Desirable guy


LAMESTAIN: Uncool person

TOM-TOM CLUB: Uncool outsiders

ROCK ON: A happy goodby"

The original New York Times article can be found here. I haven't read it all, because it was so lame and the writer was such a cob nobbler. You should let me know how good/bad it is if you can actually get through it.

And here is the npr website, where I first heard of this article. It was on their show "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!" and it is absolutely hilarious. Please, please listen if you can get a moment. It's the "Not my job" segment.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thank you!

Today, the last customer that I waited on was a man who spoke almost no english at all. I have to say that I was completely embarrassed that the little spanish I've retained over the many, many years. Nothing made much sense, on either side, and I'm sure I said something like "I can wants another like this?"

I seemed to have the worst luck with Spanish teachers growing up. The one I had in high school taught me nothing, and the professor I had in college taught me...well, next to nothing. Specifically, we were not taught the everyday words that I needed today. However, I must have picked something up because I was able to help that customer using phrases like "I'm sorry my spanish is so awful."

To my teachers: thank you so much for all your help. I'm sure being able to accurately ask where the big kitchen is, tell him I have one sister, or tell him that the color of my crayon was indeed red would've been helpful and made his day a bit better, had it come up in our conversation.

Oh well.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Something odd

This week at work, it was Caitlin week. I swear, every other person had a kid named Caitlin, or was named Caitlin, or was yelling at their kid (named Caitlin) to stay in line or to not touch that. It was rather annoying because I kept jerking my head around trying to figure out why everyone was yelling at me.

the end.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Well, the Wii Fit is out there now, and it is very very exciting. Watch this video to look at what this little white thing you stand on can do for you.

(I know I've posted this video before, but I wanted to watch it again, so I'm making you all watch it, too.)

Fun places to spend time

More Punny Signs here


And my all-time favorite blog ever...

Garfield Minus Garfield.

"Who would have guessed that when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic strips, the result is an even better comic about schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and the empty desperation of modern life? Friends, meet Jon Arbuckle. Let’s laugh and learn with him on a journey deep into the tortured mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness in a quiet American suburb."

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pink Martini

I recently got the opportunity to hear one of my favorite bands ever, Pink Martini. I saw them at the Crystal Ballroom, and it was marvelous! This was my third time seeing them live, but I think this was my favorite concert. There was no seating, and my friends and I ended up standing directly in front of the stage. Everyone was singing and dancing, and it was so enjoyable.

Here's on of their songs, hang on little tomato, with a really lovely trombone solo to start it out. I wish it was from the concert I went to, but it isn't. Oh well. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Blog Yay!

One of the things I have to do for my job is to work a checkout station like they do at a grocery store. It is quite the adventure, but there are a few things that get on my nerves. Now, I know that it is so easy to tell people how to raise their kids, especially because I don't have any and I don't know what it's like, but it seems that there are a few things parents do that really really bug me. Some of them are:

The "let's make you happy and hold this toy while we're in the store that we have NO INTENTION of buying for you, so that when we reach the checkout, you scream and cry and make the employees hate life." COME ON PEOPLE!! You give them something they want and then you take it away and are surprised when they're unhappy.

The "I'm going to buy you this toy, but you have to let go of it for 2 seconds so they can ring it up and we can buy it...oh, why are you screaming when I make you let go of it?" Now this one happens with pretty much ever other person with a kid. I'm not saying don't buy them toys, but my parent's policy was "if you throw a tantrum over it, I'm not going to give it to you, even if I wanted you to have it." Not that hard.

The "I'll give you anything you want and let you run around the store with very little or no supervision, and then I'll wonder why you don't listen to me." Oh? You want a thomas the tank engine? Ok! Oh what's that? You want 80 bags of goldfish crackers? Of course! Now, wait here while I sign for the, over here by me. Please don't touch that. I'm sorry, we have to go now. Please stop crying, don't throw that, please be get the picture.

Of course there are kids who are really tired and unhappy, and the babies who get fussy, and the parents who are doing a good job and everything, this rant is not about them. This rant is about those three groups of people that I want to whack upside the head and yell "DUH!"

On another note, I have been watching some funniest home videos compilations on youtube, and totally loving them! I have to admit now I have this irrational fear of falling down while someone films it so that in 20 years, bored college kids watch it and laugh...weird, right?

I have also been enjoying watching NCIS. I would totally let Mark Harmon interrogate me whenever he wanted/needed to!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

John MaCain's running mate

I actually considered voting Republican when I heard who John McCain's running mate is. I have since reconsidered, but wow. Watch to find out who.

PS sorry for the finale spoiler


I'm done with finals!!!!! And tonight is the season finale of The Office. It's called "Goodbye Toby" and I am totally excited for it!!!

Here is the cold open for the episode tonight. I think it's my favorite from this season.

(sorry for the commercial)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The girl I want to be

  • I want to be able to wear black and brown without feeling uncoordinated
  • I want to walk with excellent posture
  • I want to laugh loudly and not feel annoying
  • I want to be closer to God
  • I want to hug perfect strangers
  • I want a job I love
  • I want to love my overly emotional-ness
  • I want to paint a masterpiece
  • I want to be loud all the time
  • I want to feel confident
  • I want to be me
  • I want to bake a cake and decorate it with rolled fondant
  • I want to be proud of me
  • I want to walk in the middle of the night and not feel scared
  • I want to sleep on the beach
  • I deserve to fall for a guy who makes me go weak at the knees
  • I want to be ok with being anti-social and hide in my room
  • I want to take great photos

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I think I'm going to cry

Here's an op ed article from the New York Times about our energy crisis and here's and article from CNN about stopping testing beef from mad cow disease.

HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE???? President Bush said that he would veto any bill that took tax credits away from the oil industry and give them to the sustainable energy industry.

"But here’s what’s scary: our problem is so much worse than you think. We have no energy strategy. If you are going to use tax policy to shape energy strategy then you want to raise taxes on the things you want to discourage — gasoline consumption and gas-guzzling cars — and you want to lower taxes on the things you want to encourage — new, renewable energy technologies. We are doing just the opposite."

There have been 3 reported cases of mad cow disease in the US since 2003. It is fatal to humans, but has the same symptoms as Alzheimer's so who knows how many cases in humans we've missed. If you don't think that's scary, think about this: Less than 1% of slaughtered cows get tested for mad cow disease, and the government wants to stop increased testing because "The agency argues that more widespread testing does not guarantee food safety and could result in a false positive that scares consumers." I don't know about you, but I would rather have more testing than not know at all.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

If you like The Office...

In other news, CLASSES ARE OVER!!!

Now I just have finals... :(

But there is a new episode of the office tonight. YAY!

And I have my jury tomorrow, but I think I'm going to rock it so hard it's going to fall down! Whoot!

And this is also a good song.

Friday, April 25, 2008


also, Lily's blog has changed wesites! Check it out, it's pretty neat!

Websites of the week

Here are some websites I've been wasting an embarrassingly long amount of time on...

The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks
It's about time I found "something" like this!

Photoshop Disasters
Found all over the place, but mostly in ads or magazines. It is embarrassing! Does no one look at what they've created?

Overheard in the Office
Those one-liners that make you tilt your head and go "huh?"

Fanny Pack Antics
The life of tourists as seen by non-tourists. Amazing!

The Comics Curmudgeon
Kudos for correctly using the word "curmudgeon."

Awful Plastic Surgery
This website it painful to look at. But very interesting, none the less.

Apostrophe Abuse
Seeing's how people abuse the english language make's me cringe.

Overheard Everywhere
"if it weren't for my horse..." and the like.

That's Punny!
No one likes puns except me, but this website is full of stuff to make even me groan.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

snip snap snip snap snip snap...

So, life has been crazy. Lots of concerts coming up, lots of extra work to get different time off. It's been very odd. If it wasn't for television I think my little head would pop.

There was a new episode of The Office this week, it was really really good, and made me insanely happy. In the show, Michael and Jan host a dinner party, and they force Jim and Pam to come. It is so awkward that it's painful to watch, and yet you can't look away.

Some quotes from the show:

Pam: I don't care what they say about me. I just want to eat. Which I realize is a lot to ask for... At a dinner party.

Jim: Michael and Jan seem to be playing their own separate game, and it's called, "Let's See How Uncomfortable We Can Make Our Guests." And they're both winning. So I am going to make a run for it.

Michael: (sipping wine) That was sort of an oaky afterbirth.

Michael: As you can smell, there’s a lot of different odors going on in here.

for the full episode, mosey on over here.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Worst Movie of my Life.

Spiderman 3 was an abomination of human endeavor. When I wasn't yawning, I felt like I was going to puke because it was SO AWFUL! The best part of the movie was the blooper reel, though even they were dumb. The other tolerable part was the Music Video by Snow Patrol.

Ugh. Don't bother.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Best Movie of my life.

Enchanted is my all new favorite movie. It is a parody of all animated and princess stories ever written. Giselle is a princess who has fallen into a hole that leads her to New York right before her wedding to her prince charming. She wanders around until she finds McDreamy, who helps her despite her annoyingly positive outlook on life and love.

The songs are composed by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz, who wrote songs together in other Disney movies like Pocahontas, Hercules, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Alan Menken wrote the music for other movies and musicals such as Aladdin, Little Shop of Horrors, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast. Stephen Schwartz wrote the lyrics for some of my favorite musicals: Wicked, and Godspell.

I don't usually want to give away to best parts of the movie, but I will today. Here is my favorite part of the movie - Giselle starts singing about McDreamy's girlfriend, in the middle of a park, drawing a LOT of attention. And I really love her dress!!

"That's How You Know"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The next four posts...

The next four posts are all songs performed by Hugh Laurie. As one youtube user said:

"I don't care that it's funny... the man has skills."

He does all his own singing and playing. He's pretty much a musical genius.

So I hope you enjoy Hugh and his...skills.

What I mind.

"I don't mind being lonely
I don't mind being poor
What I mind is being misunderstood
I can't take it anymore..."

Sophisicated Song

"I wear sophisticated clothes
I say sophisticated things
Everything about me says
I'm a sophistication king..."


There Ain't But One Way

"Well, the world is facing problems getting bigger every day,
They've got a greenhouse over Texas and recession's on the way..."

*this song does us some language, just fyi. Don't let small children watch or whatever*


All my life has been a mystery
You and I were never ever meant to be
That's why I call my love for you a mystery..."


Friday, March 21, 2008

Movie of the Week

I started my spring break by flopping down on the couch with a bag of chips, and watching the best movie ever:

Star Trek: First Contact

Need I say more? I'm a total trekkie, and I love all the next generation movies! This one is particularly incredible because they get to go to the past and help out James Cromwell - a reluctant visionary who changes the fate of the world.

Oh yeah...there's some stuff about borg in it, too.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plans for Spring Break!

So Spring Break (yes, capital letters are needed) is coming up, and I have a few things that I must do to remain a sane person for the rest of the semester. I leave it up to my friends and family to make it happen...

Sleep, play Nintendo with nice Idahoans who are stuck here, go to Eugene, go to the coast, sleep in a yurt (!!), frolic in the ocean, sleep, play more video games, visit mom and dad, sleep, read myself out of books, bake something exciting, clean the apartment (HA!!), watch some tv, and sleep.

Can I fit it all into one week? We'll find out...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Movie Time!!

I've seen a few movies since I've written in my blog (not too many because I've been studying [I hope you're reading this mom]). Some of them are worth talking about...


This movie totally surprised me out of my anti-indie-movie kick. I thought it was a clever movie that told the story of a teen girl going through an unplanned pregnancy. I actually liked it, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Dan in Real Life

The new Steve Carrell movie is sweet, cheesy, brainless, and made me giggle. A single dad who's fallen in love with his brother's new girlfriend. It was better than I make it sound. It was worth seeing.

Becoming Jane

Not terrible, not terrific. I'd probable watch it again.


I've seen this before, but I just watched it again, and it hit me like a sack of potatoes: I really like this movie. Enough said.

Sydney White

Brainless brainless brainless brainless!! But I will always remember that it took Lily an hour into the movie to realize that it was the story of Snow White. It was classic!
It is the tale of a young college girl who tries to get into a sorority that her mother was in. When she is thrown out, she makes friends with 7 dorks (haha) and tries to change the way the school is run. I'll give you half a guess as to how it turns out.

Victory is Mine!

"Victory is mine! Great day in the morning, victory is mine. I drink from the keg of glory. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land."

Oh how true those words are.

I totally rock!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


This website is rockin'. You can translate anything to jive. If you need help coming up with something to shizzle, try this:

"Thou art violently carried away from grace. There is a devil haunts thee in the likeness of an old fat man; a tun of a man is thy companion. Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours, that bolting hutch of beastliness, that swoll'n parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuff'd cloakbag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity of years."
- Shakespeare


Friday, February 15, 2008

Website of the week

I can has cheezburger is totally stupid, pointless, grammatically incorrect, and often lame. But I spend lots of time on there, looking at pictures of cute animals. Don't ask me why, just check it out.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

WARNING! Time waster!!

So, I have managed to waste an embarrassingly long amount of time looking at a website called weirdomatic. It sounds stupid, but it is distracting. Some of my favorites are: Strange Book Covers, Weird Annual Festivals, Tennis on the Helipad, Weird Bass Guitars, Bentley Snowflakes, and Free Spirit Spheres. I hope you like them!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The BEST movie ever!!!

There is a movie out there perfect for anyone and everyone!!! It is A Midwinter's Tale and it's about a group of actors who decide to perform Shakespeare's Hamlet at Christmastime. I know it sounds totally lame, but it really is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Definitely one to really pay attention to because there are many jokes and punchlines that you will only hear if you are totally into the movie.

Still don't believe me? Watch the trailer.

Monday, January 21, 2008

A new one (finally)

Well, it's been a while. I've been a slacker. Sorry. But I've been busy!!

I just got my computer back from being repaired, though it doesn't help all that much because I don't have wireless internet in the apartment I just moved to. So, I've been very cut off from the world :( facebook, myspace, or tv shows online. I'm really at a loss of what to do! I sank so low that I actually read a book. You know, I think it was 2 books. It seems so long ago.

Thank the Lord I set up my sega as soon as I moved in!

Other than that, not much going on with me. I promise to write more often. I'm sure you've missed me as much as I missed you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Movie of the Week

How boring of me to bring in the new year with a movie, but alas, that is who I am.

I had the pleasure to see the new National Treasure movie last night, and I was really impressed. I thought it was as good if not better than the first. Now, when I say impressed, I'm not talking academy award winning movie, but rather a movie that I sat through without wondering how much longer it's going to go on. It was clever, witty, intriguing, and just a ton of fun! I loved the part where they get arrested by the palace guards at Buckingham palace.

This movie is worth it. I laughed out loud through the whole thing (something I don't do very often in theaters, sadly), and was throughly entertained. Go see it!!

Here is the trailer and official website.