Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well, well, well

So, it's Halloween today. To be totally honest I have never really been a fan of Halloween. Well, I liked going around and getting candy and stuff, but making and wearing a costume hasn't really ever been my thing, though I always enjoy seeing what other people dress up as. Can't wait to see what people dress up as this year!

This week has been really really stressful. I just seem to have a ton of things to do, and no time to do it! Not only do I have projects due and tests to study for, but I'm conducting for the first time in front of an audience this week. I have never conducted before, and while this is only for one song and it's not that big a deal, I'm still freaking out.

The biggest bummer is that when I get stressed out, I get down because I can't focus on anything but what's coming up. Then I get grumpy, mostly at people I care about because they are the closest ones to me. Then I don't feel like I can talk to them about how I'm feeling or how stressed out I am because I feel bad about treating them badly and I'm afraid of being mean to them again...which just gets me more stressed out because now I don't have an outlet to let my stress out on, so it starts building up more...

It's quite the vicious cycle.

So, I guess I'm just saying that if you see me this week, just give me an extra big hug or something...chances are I could really use it, but I don't feel like I can ask for one.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

TV Show of the week...

Pushing Daisies!

This is a new show this year, and the first thing you'll notice as you watch it is the almost Tim Burton-esque filming, though that's hardly surprising because it is produced and directed by Barry Sonnenfeld (Men in Black, Men in Black II, The Addams Family). It stars some people that I've never heard of or seen before, but more importantly it has Kristin Chenoweth!! She is so lovely, and so cute.

So, the plot:
Ned is a kid when he finds out that he can touch something dead and make it come back to life, but touch it again and it dies forever. Also, he can only keep a person alive for one minute before either that person has to die again or someone (in a close proximity) will die. So, naturally, Ned has decided to make pies for a living! Also, he works with a private investigator to solve murders. Ned goes to the dead victim, touches him or her, asks who murdered them, and before one minute elapses touches them again, killing them forever.

Straightforward, right?

Anyways, a great show, great cast, and totally random plot line...

Watch it now

Monday, October 22, 2007

The joys and terrors of Jazz Improv

I think I have done a silly thing. I have decided to sign up for another class next semester: Small Jazz Ensemble. It is basically jazz...and improvising, (cue scary music now, please). I am actually really looking forward to it, but it kinda freaks me out because I suck at improv, and usually have no desire whatsoever to do it. I must be on some kind of mind-altering drugs.

Other than that, there's nothing much going on. I went to a really good play last week, and it made me miss my yearly trips to the Ashland Shakespeare festival so much. The mother-daughter book club I was in would go to Ashland twice a year and go see between 3-6 plays each time we went. The acting company there is killer and I want to go right now. Anyone interested in a trip in May??

OSF 2008 Season

OSF 2007/2008 Multimedia

(This includes video highlights of the 2007 season!!!!!)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I should be napping...

So, as I was flipping through radio stations on my way home, I found one that had a church sermon on it. Curious as to what this church/pastor was saying I stopped and listened to the station for about 10 in that ten minutes, the program was broken up into these sections:

  • 2 minutes of sermon (it was at the end)
  • 5 minutes or more of telling listeners their name, address, phone number, website, PO Box number, how to find their church in Vancouver, how to give, telling people that they should really give, reminding listeners of their phone number, name, address, website, how to give, and so on. (they made sure to end with "thank you for your prayers and gifts, you have made it possible")
  • 3 minutes of commercials, (the two that stuck in my mind were: one that told women how they could looked SO MUCH better by using a face cream to make wrinkles "vanish" in twelve hours. The other one was from a pro-life clinic that is open right next to an abortion clinic - they needed $69,000 to keep their clinic open for two days a week, so that young girls can have the chance to save their baby's life. But if they didn't get enough money "soon" then they would have to close their doors.)

So, let me get this straight...out of a ten minute segment of this station, I got 2 minutes of God's word, and 8 minutes of getting money??? (remember, people pay to advertise)

What is wrong with this picture???

Brand New Radio

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Movie of the Week

This week's movie of the week is The Dish. It is an absolutely captivating movie about the big dish in Australia, and how they broadcasted the first lunar landing. At one point they lose the signal of the spacecraft, and at other times they are playing cricket on the dish itself. It puts this tiny town in Australia on the map...even though the dish is and was in the middle of a sheep paddock. Please go see this movie if you haven' won't regret it!

And that's the news of lake woebegon.

So, I am experiencing a magnificent three day weekend as I type this. I'm lounging in bed and doing absolutely nothing productive. Doesn't that sound nice?? It is. I spent a couple days in Eugene, which was fun. I haven't been there in a long time, and it was great to see my old stomping grounds, (I lived in Eugene for 10 years).

Right now I'm getting ready (more mentally than actually going and doing something about it) to go to the coast! Even though it's supposed to be raining today, I think it's going to be so much fun. The best part is that there's not really a plan, it's just a trip, which is the best kind!!

Other than that I'm a pretty boring person and nothing has been going on. Just craziness at school, and I had my first ever voice lesson yesterday with the most amazing gal ever! I've never had a voice lesson before, and she is a great teacher. It does mean, though that now I'm taking more lessons, which just adds to my busy schedule. But you know what? I really don't mind!

Monday, October 1, 2007

...and also...

I'm employed!! Yayayayayayayayay!!!