Saturday, September 29, 2007



Friday, September 28, 2007

Back by poplular demand!

So there haven't been any posts in a while, but it's just because I've been superbusy (yes, one word). In addition to taking a butt-load of credits, I've been trying to work 30 hours a week, start up a pep band (I had help from my friend David, though), not to fail any of my classes, take new private music lessons, sleep, grok the meaning of life, keep up on my netflix movies...goodness! I get tired just writing that list!

I have to say, though that pep band has been amazing. It has really validated my belief that I want to be a band teacher, something I'd been wondering about for a while now. There is nothing better than getting up in front of a band, and have them play music that I've picked out, where I've studied the score and know how I want the band to sound. I'd been worried that I didn't really want to be a band teacher because it's what I've always wanted to be. I know that seems somewhat paradoxical, but because it's what I've always wanted to do I don't have a plan B if I didn't like conducting. I'm so glad to know now that I love it!!!

Because I've been so busy I made the decision to quit my job. It is the best decision I've made this school year. I'm going to miss it a lot, but I just can't do everything, you know? Hopefully I'll be back for Christmas and next summer or something, but who knows. I feel so dang relieved to not be going to work anymore. That sounds horrible, but it's totally true. Oh well.

I hope this will satisfy all you curious minds out there, I was getting complaints that I never update my blog anymore...but it was from people who know what's going on in my life. I guess they aren't sick of hearing about me yet.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

Trick #1

Best way to go home early from work: burst into tears when your boss asks you how your day was. But it should only be used when you're totally serious, when you don't mean to burst into tears, and then you turn bright red because you're crying in the middle of a crowded area, and your boss gets really panicky and tells you to go on a break or whatever (anything to get you to stop crying!), and then you're totally miserable for the rest of the evening, and feel like hugging your boss when he asks you if you want to go home. I guess it's not a trick at all...

Never mind.

Monday, September 10, 2007

my new catch phrase

So, I had a feedback card filled out about me at work by a customer, and it was really good feedback! She had come in and worried about not getting everything done that she needed to, and (apparently) I responded with "anything can happen if you just believe."

It is now my new catchphrase at work. And you know what, I am totally proud of that! (I'm such a cheeseball!!!!!)