Monday, November 5, 2007

Amazing? Yea... Magical? Pretty much...

So, I had my conducting debut last Friday, and it was wonderful! I want to be a high school band teacher, and last week was something I really needed. Yes, it really freaked me out to be in front of a band, all expecting me to lead them, and with an audience sitting behind me, wanting me to do well. But, to be completely honest, once I got up on the podium, it was easy to completely tune out the audience and get immersed in the music. I was so nervous the entire week before; disaster scenarios running through my head, and I was shaking really badly right before I walked on stage.

However, let me tell you...conducting is magical. It is the best feeling in the world. There is nothing else in the room but the music, and the general area that a cue should be. There is no audience, no other distractions...just a bunch of nicely dressed musicians in front of you.

Yeah, great night! Go me!

(this is not the way you should conduct
...just FYI)

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