Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The first week of school...

The first week of school has been:

...any questions? :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

For those who remember...

A dubbed version of Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back to school...yay?

School starts up next week, and I feel very unprepared for it. I feel like it's still the beginning of summer, you know? I just started my job, I don't have to pack anything, and I'm really enjoying lying around on my butt and not doing anything (ok, so nothing new with that one). I'm going into this new year excited, but also a bit worried. I can't see how everything is going to be, which is silly to expect, especially this year will be so different from any other year. I guess I always resist a little bit to change; I was sad for the school year to end last year, but I'm not ready for it to start now. Perhaps that's not too different than what other people are thinking...

Oh well. The new year is here whether I'm ready for it or not.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Movie of the week

Pan's Labyrinth was one of the best movies I've seen all year. It was stunning, engaging, smart, and gorgeous. Some of the most incredible cinematography; every shot was smooth and near perfect. Pan's Labyrinth was also very intense, so be prepared before you plug it in, that you're in for a gripping movie. I found it easy to get past the blood and violence, because the movie had been done so well that it almost seemed necessary.


I really recommend it, it was a killer movie!

(here's the trailer)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

My job

So, there's a quote from the movie "My Man Godfrey" that reminds me of my work these past few weeks...

"You're proud of being a butler?"
"Proud of being a good butler. And might I add, sir, a butler has to be good to hold his job here"

Not that it's hard to hold my job, but I'm proud of the fact that I'm getting pretty good at my job, and that I'm getting a lot of great feedback from customers and co-workers. And you have to be good to work in the department I work in.

...and that makes me happy.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So lately...

So lately I've been getting really bogged down by little things. For some reason, even when I've had a really good day, if one things goes wrong, that's the thing that I remember, and I just get really down about it. Today there were a few bad things, and they ruined a perfectly good day! It's really frustrating when all I can dwell on is the negative things that have happened. I guess it's not a huge deal, but it does explain why I've been acting a bit weird today (and other days, for that matter).

So, another big work day tomorrow...I can't wait to see what's going to go wrong.

(PS there was a guy and gal who spent over $118 on bags of candy tonight. Their cart was quite impressive...)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Amazing! Utterly amazing!

This is a commercial that Honda made, using NO computer technology. Don't believe me? Check out what Snopes has to say about it...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The power of The Pair

There is an inexplicable and almost mystical bond between woman and shoe. Or rather, shoes. A new pair of shoes gives a woman a powerful oomph that not much else can give. No matter how much they may kill her feet, the shoes aren't taken off until they have been either 1. complimented (by girls and guys) or 2. have created more blisters than she's ever had before. And then, the shoes are only complained about when other women are present, so that she can get as much sympathy from those who have - literally and figuratively - been in her shoes.

But before the shoes are ever put on, the bond is there. A woman might not even be attempting to buy shoes, but there they are, just sitting innocently in the window of the store...the Perfect ones. The ones that would go great with that one outfit when she puts that cute coat on, and wears that one thing in her hair. They will perfect the outfit in the exact way that her other fifty pairs couldn't. It's magic. Once a girl gets a pair of shoes in her eyes and in her heart, her money is a goner. In fact, it wouldn't matter if the shoes didn't go with that one outfit when she puts on that cute coat and that one thing in her hair, she will buy them anyways, because, well, they'll go with something.

I'm only saying this because I had a similar experience this week. I went into REI to get work shoes, and after some hemming and hawing, I saw them. Plain, simple, dorky, clunky, somehow they ended up on my feet, and I was hooked. I managed to convince myself that they would work with any outfit, (something that was pretty surprisingly accurate)...I looked into my mother's eyes and said "these are them." That was all it took, and she knew as well as I did, that no matter how much I looked at others, I was going to walk out with those very shoes...and you know what? I did.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Composer of the week

Edward Elgar is my favorite composer at the moment, (though I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive him for pomp and circumstance). Here's the Chicago Symphony Orchestra doing the movement "Nimrod" (get your chuckles out now) from "Enigma." This is my all-time favorite Elgar composition, it practically brings me to tears every time I hear it.