Monday, October 22, 2007

The joys and terrors of Jazz Improv

I think I have done a silly thing. I have decided to sign up for another class next semester: Small Jazz Ensemble. It is basically jazz...and improvising, (cue scary music now, please). I am actually really looking forward to it, but it kinda freaks me out because I suck at improv, and usually have no desire whatsoever to do it. I must be on some kind of mind-altering drugs.

Other than that, there's nothing much going on. I went to a really good play last week, and it made me miss my yearly trips to the Ashland Shakespeare festival so much. The mother-daughter book club I was in would go to Ashland twice a year and go see between 3-6 plays each time we went. The acting company there is killer and I want to go right now. Anyone interested in a trip in May??

OSF 2008 Season

OSF 2007/2008 Multimedia

(This includes video highlights of the 2007 season!!!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A trip? With you? Yeuck....

forget that...