Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well, well, well

So, it's Halloween today. To be totally honest I have never really been a fan of Halloween. Well, I liked going around and getting candy and stuff, but making and wearing a costume hasn't really ever been my thing, though I always enjoy seeing what other people dress up as. Can't wait to see what people dress up as this year!

This week has been really really stressful. I just seem to have a ton of things to do, and no time to do it! Not only do I have projects due and tests to study for, but I'm conducting for the first time in front of an audience this week. I have never conducted before, and while this is only for one song and it's not that big a deal, I'm still freaking out.

The biggest bummer is that when I get stressed out, I get down because I can't focus on anything but what's coming up. Then I get grumpy, mostly at people I care about because they are the closest ones to me. Then I don't feel like I can talk to them about how I'm feeling or how stressed out I am because I feel bad about treating them badly and I'm afraid of being mean to them again...which just gets me more stressed out because now I don't have an outlet to let my stress out on, so it starts building up more...

It's quite the vicious cycle.

So, I guess I'm just saying that if you see me this week, just give me an extra big hug or something...chances are I could really use it, but I don't feel like I can ask for one.

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