Thursday, October 25, 2007

TV Show of the week...

Pushing Daisies!

This is a new show this year, and the first thing you'll notice as you watch it is the almost Tim Burton-esque filming, though that's hardly surprising because it is produced and directed by Barry Sonnenfeld (Men in Black, Men in Black II, The Addams Family). It stars some people that I've never heard of or seen before, but more importantly it has Kristin Chenoweth!! She is so lovely, and so cute.

So, the plot:
Ned is a kid when he finds out that he can touch something dead and make it come back to life, but touch it again and it dies forever. Also, he can only keep a person alive for one minute before either that person has to die again or someone (in a close proximity) will die. So, naturally, Ned has decided to make pies for a living! Also, he works with a private investigator to solve murders. Ned goes to the dead victim, touches him or her, asks who murdered them, and before one minute elapses touches them again, killing them forever.

Straightforward, right?

Anyways, a great show, great cast, and totally random plot line...

Watch it now

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