Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A new blog for the demanding parental

So, nothing has really been going on, so I haven't written (though I'm not the only one neglecting my blogging duties *ahem* *David*). However, today was pretty exciting! I had a band concert, which went horribly wrong, ruining my evening...ugh! I was missing key signatures all over the place, the band wasn't watching, I was totally out of it, and it was an all around bad concert. And, to add insult to injury, we got rear-ended on hwy 205 on our way there. It was stop and go traffic, and this jerk wasn't watching and smacked the back of our car. I haven't seen my dad that angry in a long time...he and my mom jumped out of the car and went to talk to him. It was crazy.

So...yeah. I've been reading books like a mad woman, getting through about a book or two a day. Right now I'm on a Tamora Pierce kick, though I've been reading a lot of Meg Cabot, and am about to get into Patricia C. Wrede. Basically any young adult author that I liked as a young adult (ha ha). It's been a lot of fun and brainless entertainment!

So, that's the news of Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.

(P.S. I have had to kill an alarming amount of spiders in our apartment recently - THREE is the past TWO WEEKS!!!!!! - and I am wondering if perhaps a spider has laid eggs and now they have hatched and grown and are now on a killing spree. I am the Chosen One to send them back to hell where they belong...hmmm. More later.)


Anonymous said...

Wow, fun. And, just for the record, band concerts often ruin my day. Almost every time I have one, in fact. Yeah, David needs a new blog too!

Anonymous said...

Demanding parental satisfied...temporarily.