Sunday, June 10, 2007

Creation Museum

"Prepare to Believe"

That's the motto of the newly opened Creation Museum, a museum in Kentucky that show a walk through scientific explanation of the history of the world as stated by the Bible. Life-like Adam and Eve model the story of original sin, they have explanations of the creation of the Grand Canyon, the Great Flood, you can listen to Mary tell the story of the birth of Jesus, and even see how dinosaurs were a part of everyday life in the home of early people. The museum claims that some could have even been pets. On one hand, some Christians are very excited for it, "One parent confided: 'At last there's a place I can bring the kids where they are taught what we teach them at home.'"

However, traditional scientists are going crazy over it, calling it unscientific, and, for the part about dinosaurs and humans living together, complete fiction. "The only thing missing is 'yabba dabba doo.'"

(The picture has been photoshopped to crop images together)

The museum was built to disprove evolution, and claims that all the information is not only biblical, but scientific as well. It is quite controversial, and is attempting to refute all that science has offered us in the last century...something that isn't necessarily good.

BBC video
Creation Museum
Creation Museum walk-through
Creation Museum early photos

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