Friday, April 25, 2008

Websites of the week

Here are some websites I've been wasting an embarrassingly long amount of time on...

The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks
It's about time I found "something" like this!

Photoshop Disasters
Found all over the place, but mostly in ads or magazines. It is embarrassing! Does no one look at what they've created?

Overheard in the Office
Those one-liners that make you tilt your head and go "huh?"

Fanny Pack Antics
The life of tourists as seen by non-tourists. Amazing!

The Comics Curmudgeon
Kudos for correctly using the word "curmudgeon."

Awful Plastic Surgery
This website it painful to look at. But very interesting, none the less.

Apostrophe Abuse
Seeing's how people abuse the english language make's me cringe.

Overheard Everywhere
"if it weren't for my horse..." and the like.

That's Punny!
No one likes puns except me, but this website is full of stuff to make even me groan.

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