Monday, June 2, 2008

New Blog Yay!

One of the things I have to do for my job is to work a checkout station like they do at a grocery store. It is quite the adventure, but there are a few things that get on my nerves. Now, I know that it is so easy to tell people how to raise their kids, especially because I don't have any and I don't know what it's like, but it seems that there are a few things parents do that really really bug me. Some of them are:

The "let's make you happy and hold this toy while we're in the store that we have NO INTENTION of buying for you, so that when we reach the checkout, you scream and cry and make the employees hate life." COME ON PEOPLE!! You give them something they want and then you take it away and are surprised when they're unhappy.

The "I'm going to buy you this toy, but you have to let go of it for 2 seconds so they can ring it up and we can buy it...oh, why are you screaming when I make you let go of it?" Now this one happens with pretty much ever other person with a kid. I'm not saying don't buy them toys, but my parent's policy was "if you throw a tantrum over it, I'm not going to give it to you, even if I wanted you to have it." Not that hard.

The "I'll give you anything you want and let you run around the store with very little or no supervision, and then I'll wonder why you don't listen to me." Oh? You want a thomas the tank engine? Ok! Oh what's that? You want 80 bags of goldfish crackers? Of course! Now, wait here while I sign for the, over here by me. Please don't touch that. I'm sorry, we have to go now. Please stop crying, don't throw that, please be get the picture.

Of course there are kids who are really tired and unhappy, and the babies who get fussy, and the parents who are doing a good job and everything, this rant is not about them. This rant is about those three groups of people that I want to whack upside the head and yell "DUH!"

On another note, I have been watching some funniest home videos compilations on youtube, and totally loving them! I have to admit now I have this irrational fear of falling down while someone films it so that in 20 years, bored college kids watch it and laugh...weird, right?

I have also been enjoying watching NCIS. I would totally let Mark Harmon interrogate me whenever he wanted/needed to!


Anonymous said...

This is definitely a sign that you're working too much...

And I'm willing to bet this all changes when you have kids :)

Not that I'm speaking from experience....

Anonymous said...

well i know first hand this does change when you have kids.
.........just kidding...........
But really i agree with David. You must be working to hard if you're much awaited blog was about work. Just joshin' ya. I love hearing about EVERYTHING in your life. I wish i was still around to follow you around.