Monday, April 23, 2007

Book of the Week

This week's book of the week is...

The Entire Works of William Shakespeare!

Congratulations to the bard! Not only is he a marvelous author in his own right, but how can you not go for Shakespeare when it is stolen and re-written for everything? Ever seen She's the Man? (a take on my favorite Shakespeare play, Twelfth Night.) How about West Side Story? (Romeo and Juliet done the right way...with singing, dancing, and "rumbles.") Ever seen 10 Things I Hate About You? (My favorite performance by Allison Janney since the West Wing.) O as Othello? (duh.) And what about Get Over It as A Midsummer Night's Dream? (Sisqo??? What were those people THINKING??? And I might add that it is loosely based on Shakespeare...very loosly)

However, the bard is an amazing guy, so I can think of no better way of rewarding him than to put him on my list of books of the week!! Congrats, Will!

See my favorite interpretation of the complete works of William Shakespeare (abridged), as done by the Reduced Shakespeare Company.
And if you want a killer edition of the entire cannon, check out the Riverside Shakespeare.

1 comment:

St. Ardbeg's Hospital for the Terminally Befuddled said...

Sucking up to the Old Man? Well done! The Riverside is good. The footnotes, etc. are nice. There are many, many good-to-great editions of the Bard including the Riverside, the Folger Library individual plays and the Doubleday with the Rockwell Kent prints. Now, the only real question is: Which is your favorite play? Answer carefully. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. (Mine? Currently: Hamlet, but I'm open to debate.)